apush scoring calculator

Are you a high school student preparing for the AP United States History (APUSH) exam? Do you want to know how to calculate your score? Look no further than the apush scoring calculator, the ultimate tool for APUSH students.

What Is Apush Scoring Calculator?

Apush scoring calculator is an online tool that helps students calculate their APUSH exam score. The calculator takes into account the multiple-choice questions and the free-response questions to determine the student's final score. With the apush scoring calculator, students can have an idea of what score they can expect to receive on the exam.

How Does Apush Scoring Calculator Work?

To use the apush scoring calculator, students need to input their raw scores for the multiple-choice questions and the free-response questions. The calculator then converts these raw scores into a scaled score on a scale of 1-5. The final score is a combination of the scaled scores for both the multiple-choice and free-response sections.

For example, if a student scored 70 out of 90 on the multiple-choice questions and 12 out of 15 on the free-response questions, their raw score would be 82 out of 105. Using the apush scoring calculator, this raw score would translate to a scaled score of 4 on the APUSH exam.


What Is a Good Score on the APUSH Exam?

A good score on the APUSH exam is typically a 3 or higher. This score indicates that the student has demonstrated a basic understanding of the material and is eligible for college credit at many universities.

Can Apush Scoring Calculator Guarantee My Score?

No, apush scoring calculator is a tool that provides an estimate of a student's score based on their raw scores. The calculator cannot guarantee the student's actual score on the APUSH exam.


The apush scoring calculator is a valuable tool for APUSH students who want to know their estimated score on the exam. With this tool, students can have an idea of what score they can expect to receive and can adjust their studying accordingly. So, use the apush scoring calculator today and get one step closer to achieving success on the APUSH exam.